Mum, Musical Theatre Lover and Social Little Bird

Who am I?

” I never really knew what I wanted to be when I grew up”

About Me as a Child

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About me and my Social Little Bird Journey!

I never really knew what I wanted to be when I grew up – that’s how I’ve gained so many skills to help support businesses with Social Little Bird.

I left school at 16 and went to college to do A-Levels… nah, not for me! I then studied Travel & Tourism, before heading to University to study Hospitality. I worked at Ascot and a 5* Wedding venue, then a hotel reception and even for a Ski Holiday Tour Operator… nah, not for me!

Looking for something I truly enjoyed, I started as an apprentice in a nursery. I studied Level 3 nursery nurse, room leader and even started my own childcare business from home before returning to a nursery as a Deputy Manager… you guessed it – nah, not for me!

After this, I started content writing for a Digital Marketing Agency and worked up to Operations Manager with 5 apprentices, sales manager and an admin assistant. Then 2020 and the dreaded lockdown came, during which time I was pregnant with my second child.

During lockdown, I started using crafts as a distraction – bead work mostly (keyrings, jewellery etc) and I also studied some more – aromatherapy and massage as like many others, I realised that I didn’t want to go back to working in the office full time whilst looking after my young daughter.

So in 2021, I started helping friends & family in their businesses, filling in gaps and helping with tasks. I loved this so much as I could use all my previous skills to work across such a broad range of businesses – and from this, Social Little Bird was born!

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Just a little bit more about me!

Just one more little bit about me!

Full family - heart sand hole

Sometimes it’s the little things that bring the most reward! I had an idea for a photo and spent ages digging this heart shaped hole, just to take a family photo. If you hadn’t already gathered, I like taking photo’s!